i have been having problems and am very poor this month i had to buy a new scanner. and then my pc. is having some sort of electrical problem and won't rip or sync cds. to my mp3 player. i came back from l.a. with alot of new cds that i can only listen to at home. it really sucks. sometimes when i am downloading a pic from my camera it will freeze up. and sometimes when i am working in adobe it shuts itself off. any ideas. i don't have the money this month to get it looked at. so i will have to wait until next month. it totally shut down a couple of weeks ago and the power was still working so i had to unplug everything and plug it in one at a time and restart to see what was the problem and it was the scanner so that was an expense and now i am really poor. i had to cancel my subscription to the NY times. so i could get some money. i still might have to take out a loan... anyway so now i have limited use of my pc but i don't know when it might freak out again. i have been very depressed.
i met this guy at one of my neighbors and he was cute and flirting with me but he turned out to be an ass and stole from me. but the good news is that after drinking at my house he went on a burglary spree. and was arrested. broke into four houses and stole a car and hit an officer so he is in jail for now. thank god. it really freaked me out. i was so drunk i had a black out and don't even know if i were raped. it really scares me so now i have to get an std test in 6 months. so all this shit has built up and i don't want to do much besides watch my soaps and lay in bed. and i have insomnia really bad sometimes i don't sleep for 2 or 3 days in a row and then i crash.
but i will survive i hope and get back to work soon