Wednesday, August 23, 2023


nice crisp air this morning.  autumn is coming
took a trip to walmart to walk around and get the cobwebs cleared out of my head


Thursday, August 03, 2023

dressed as a shadow

block print 4x6" 2022


soul scar

block print 4x6"


what the mirror saw

block print 4x6" 2019


blood clot

 block print 4x6"

this photo is from december 2022 marking a year without drinking. i went to AA got a year chip. it was important to me to have a chip, a marker of the important event. i don't go to meetings very often.



 so this is my little printing operation...hand press and inking plate and brayer and block ..the table folds down so i can easily bring it in and out of  the living room in my apartment which is basically my studio.. i usually print size 4x6 about 25 prints each..not every print works out and each print is unique with its own flaws depending on the ink on the brayer etc. 

catch up

so its been a while since i posted.
alot has changed and happened in the world since then. 
 i've done alot of art that hasn't been posted .
i started making hand carved and hand printed block
prints.. always wanted to take a class in college, never did
so i got some supplies and taught myself how to do it. 
it was alot of fun. i'll definately be posting some. 
 i got a solo show in a galllery in salt lake and was very excited
then covid happened and it got canceled. 
i quit drinking, miraculously.  i was in bad shape. been sober since 
december 8 2021 and its been a great change for me
i have made incredible improvements in therapy 
and have worked very hard to change my thinking patterns 
i'm doing really well and finally am stablized on medication
and as you can see i've introduced a little bit of color into my life
i'm a cheerful goth. 
anyway i'll be posting regularly now so keep following
i'm sorry so much time has past but glad for those who have stuck with me along the way
always and forever DARK

firm paranoia

acrylic on bristol 18x24



 charcoal on bristol 18x24