Wednesday, July 09, 2008

my nieces wedding

so i was so elated to find out that my niece wasn't getting married in the temple as my family is all mormon except for me. so i was glad that i actually got to see the ceremony. i as usual attended in my finest black clothing. my dark black jeans black unironed shirt and black jacket. and felt overdressed for the occasion since the grooms family were in blue jeans and cowboy hats. fuck. i should have wore my shorts knee highs and given the hicks something to talk about. (and my cape)
so here are the pics. lovely taken by my sister claire.
me and my sis

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

it's my turn

three pieces of alex sewn together to form me
another self portrait
"with teeth"

Saturday, June 07, 2008

spiral jetty

so my friend mel was in the state from san francisco and wanted to go see the spiral jetty. i have never been even though it is practically in my backyard. it is an earthwork art project by robert smithson built in 1970 on the great salt lake. about 30 or 40 miles west of Brigham City. out in the middle of nowhere. the last nine miles of the drive were agonizing and took a very big amount of time. gravel roads and then the last 2 miles were just dirt. but it was worth it. and is an impressive piece. much larger than i ever imagined. the water of the lake out there has a red pigment to it. and it was just beautiful.

sprial jetty

Sunday, June 01, 2008

looking upward (and inward)

from the depths of hell

a whole concert of hells

Thursday, May 29, 2008


it's the downward spiral

i threaten anxiety

for everyone that has helped me on this downward spiral that i love.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

where my emptiness goes

the cadaver looked
so enticingly sexy


dogs bark
too dark to park
shatters the time
at midnight

spells cast
who will last
eyes seared in pain
awake at 1:15 again

brian blue hair
and fish hook lips
adorable junk look
him i would love to cook

strangers parts
slide into my heart
anatomy of destruction
intake poison for some ressurection

bored. breathe in quick
catch the high
time to say goodbye


suicide catch
my chance at last
depression glance

angel dust just ask
cocaine cocaine
my drug rain (reign)

my lost chance
banish my thoughts
hide your cock

alcoholic sick
give me a lick

pot provide
like summers tide
mouth mouth
at last i'm out


souls sought
ward talks
fucked up thoughts
cigs smoked
give up hope

J retreats
my meat
blood shot eyes
are my disguise

eighties dance
no chance
thoughts of kiss
no. just one miss

my distaste (a self portrait)

Friday, May 09, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008