i started working on these small postcards a couple of weeks ago and i was really planning on sending them in the mail to people but decided to keep them for now anyway. my friend B once told me to start small, and that is what i do alot of the time especially when i don't have the mental energy to work on something larger. my friend michelle is getting me real excited about my own work by her motivation on her own and hopefully i will start working on bigger projects starting this week. i like to work on the charcoals outside in the fresh air and they tend to be messy, but i don't know how i feel about that here at my apartment with my social phobia it could be a problem, i have a floor covering under my easel so i am going to try it indoors and see if i can make it work without staining the walls or carpet.
i have been having some trouble sleeping the last few days. last night i only got about 5 hours of sleep and if i don't get 10 then things in my head tend to get a little screwed up.
i am getting more adjusted to living in my apartment i am now able to play music at a low volume with out being so paranoid that everyone can here it and thus are able to know what i am doing every second of the day. if you don't know i went through a process of putting most of my cd collection on my hard drive and now most of the time i just listen to a random playlist of all my stuff. it is very nice, i get to hear a nice variety.
some cd's i am looking for a can't afford if anyone out there has them and will burn me a copy are: frazier chorus - sue; cocteau twins - moon and the melodies; clan of xymox - medussa; and peter nooten micheal brook - sleep with the fishes.
my mood today is content.