Sunday, March 27, 2005

xav says welcome home

i am so glad to finally be back at my home and xav (my cat) was so excited to see me he was jumping all over me. by the way my mom is ok, i was sure that she was just imagining things but the people at the hospital said her heart beat was irregular but that she was not having a heart attack it was just the way it is when you get old. i am just surprised that she missed church to go to the hospital on easter even. wow. god and the best part is that i asked my mom for 20 dollars claiming that i was out of food money which in itself is true she just assumed that i would be spending the money on food when in fact i planned to spend in on cigs and booze. i went to dinner at my sister's as usual it was boring and i felt sick after dinner. i always get sick at her house all those kids and germs, SAY NO TO KIDS, nothing else much has been going on i am looking forward to watching desperate housewives tonight.

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