Tuesday, March 29, 2005

the walk

my mood today was anxious early this morning but now i am relaxed and even smiling a bit

yes today was the day i make the 5 mile round trip walk to my therapist. we had a good talk about distorted thinking and that everyone has levels of distorted thinking , although because of my issues a lot of my thinking is distorted and i don't really need to get rid of it the point is to recognize it and when you recognize it you can take a step back from it and realize that it isn't really true. my worst ones on the list are mind reading and jumping to conclusions.( in the worst possible way)

so unfortunately i haven't done any new work yet although i have been thinking about it a lot. last night i went through some printouts of photos of men and picked out a couple that i would like to work on but i just haven't got around to it. i did think about working on a new collage but unfortunately i am out of glue and so that will have to wait, and that leaves me without something to do. but i will find something to pass the time, and keep my head from working overtime in my paranoid delusions.

thats all for now perhaps more later

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