Friday, April 15, 2005

so my one good dream this week

so i had this dream that this woman i knew from working at marriott jackie smith was moving into my apartment building and i was so excited to have a friend here. and then the manager came and i had paid my rent and she was giving me the receipt except it showed i only paid 15 dollars and i had given her the wrong money order and so since she had already deposited it it would take a while to get it back and only then could i give her the right one. then jackie took me for a drive in her suv and we ended up in garland which is north of tremonton and there was a movie theatre there. and so i told her the story of how once there were many movie theatre's in tremonton and so we decided to go to the movie and she bought tickets and then i realized it was about 6pm and it was very late for me and i wanted to get back to my apt. and get drunk but however i went into to movie and it was filled with children and teenagers which i despise (unless they are gothic). but however it was a disney film and before i could see how it could turn out i awoke.

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